About Us

Studio Legale Magri is an Italian law firm, founded in 2006 and based in the North of Italy, providing legal and consulting services to corporations in Italy and abroad. The firm’s activity is mainly focused on the corporate/M&A sector and the consulting area.
We are strongly convinced that nowadays a lawyer must have specific and peculiar capabilities, so we are committed to maintaining our high standard of legal expertise and quality service.
The Studio collaborates with the Universities of Brescia, Trieste and Bologna, with the Personaedanno Association and it works with the leading Italian law publishers (among others, Cedam, Giuffrè and Utet).




Mr. Matteo Magri

MatteoMatteo  focuses on commercial and corporate law, with particular emphasis on commercial contracts, and, in general, on corporate matters regarding the ordinary business activity of companies.
He has published 3 monographs and several law publications.
Matteo graduated with honours from the University of Parma in 1999 and is a member of the Italian Bar.
He speaks Italian and English.

Email: magri@studiolegalemagri.it



>>Link to publications »



Insurance Policy C.L.

The insurance policy was taken out by Studio Legale Magri with the Company Ass. Le Generali S.p.a. – n. 290125247 in use since the 1st September 2009 with a limit of liability to the extent of € 516.000,00.