
“Reforming labor markets” by Elsa Fornero

Posted on 07/01/2014

NewsjournalDear friends and followers, we would like to share with you this interesting article written by Prof. Elsa Fornero, Former Minister of Labour, Social Policies and Equal Opportunities of Italy, who recently attended the conference on Labor Law Reform organized by SLM.

The article, titled “Reforming labor markets: reflections of an economist who (unexpectedly) became the Italian Minister of Labor” and published on the scientific journal IZA European Journal of Labor Studies is freely downloadable at the following address

 As we can read in the abstract, this paper gives an account of the Italian labor market reform, an attempt to reconcile economic logic, social expectations, requests from European institutions and financial constraints.



P.S.: Many thanks to Former Min. Elsa Fornero for sharing this article.